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Cary Day
Benefits of Self Care

Benefits of Self Care

Explore the Mental Health

Benefits of Self-Care

By Brad Krause

No matter your age, gender or race, everyone needs to implement self-care in their lives yet not
all Americans are rising to the occasion — especially the Baby Boomer generation. Recent data
indicates that millennials are making more strides toward personal improvement than the
generations before them —  studies suggest that the vast amount of information on the internet
may be to impetus behind this phenomenon. So where millennials are thriving, the rest of the
nation needs to step up their game.

Avoiding tangible things or situations that bring you pleasure physically and mentally can be
destructive to your self-esteem and confidence, which can adversely affect relationships, job
performance, and more. Meeting your own needs will make you a better spouse, friend, parent,
employee and person — self-care is also about self-love and acceptance of one’s self. Other
benefits include an improvement in physical and mental health, stress reduction and increased
concentration and focus that can help you tackle whatever life throws your way. Here are some
easy ways to start introducing self-care into your life so you can live a more balanced and
stress-free life.

Ways To Implement Self-Care

● Don’t forget the overlooked basics: strive to eat a balanced diet, get between 7-9 hours
of sleep each night, at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise a week, find outlets to de-
stress (to include not saying “yes’ to everything), and taking time to relax guilt-free.

● If possible, take a power nap during the day. While sleeping on your desk at the office is
not an option, taking 10-15 minutes when you get home is. Napping has been known to
help with hormonal maintenance, cell repair, and heart health, all while giving an energy
boost that’s more efficient than an extra cup of coffee.

● Schedule time with yourself to do something that restores your spirit — nothing
obligatory. This could be anything from taking a bubble bath, staying in your pajamas
and reading for the afternoon, cooking a favorite meal, hiking in the woods, or journaling
— a daily listing of things you’re grateful for is a cathartic exercise.

● Do a quick declutter where you get rid of at least three items you don’t want or need
anymore; make a point to donate them to a charitable cause.

● Perform a random act of kindness such as paying someone a compliment, opening the
door, or dropping off a batch of homemade cookies to the neighbor.

● Do one small thing everyday that makes you happy, such as buying flowers to keep in
your bedroom, waking up early to see the sunrise, facing a fear, surprising someone,
setting a goal, mixing up your routine and purging your life of people and things that no
longer serve you.

Self-Care For Recovery Survivors
For recovery survivors, self-care has a deeper meaning than simply eating a bowl of comforting
soup or getting a pedicure because you’re having a bad week. It can actually make or break the
treatment process. It’s the perfect opportunity to address mental health by trying a new hobby or
activity, finding peace through meditation and yoga, spending time with animals, partaking of a
group activity such as joining a local volleyball team and unplugging from all electronics from
time to time.

Some people use lack of time as an excuse not to implement self-care into their lives on a
regular — if not daily — basis. But the truth of the matter is, we all have time. While the more
time you have to commit the better, even a few minutes a day can be just what you need to
check in with yourself and find a moment of peace.

Photo Credit: Pixabay


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