Cary Day

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CannaBiDiol (CBD)

CBD has so many amazing benefits! CBD stands for Cannabidiol, which is one of the cannabinoids found in the precious cannabis plant. It's known to promote wellness, but with no psychoactive effects.

First and foremost, CBD eliminates and prevents cancer.  Its been tested, and many studies have now proven that CBD helps with cancer.  Like THC (another cannabinoid) CBD is known to slow the growth of cancer cells, and even kill them. Amazing! Unlike THC, however, CBD does not cause the psychoactive high associated to cannabis use. Therefore, many opt to extract the CBD for its healthy affects while omitting the potential impairments from the other cannabinoids in the cannabis plant like THC.

Other benefits of CBD:

  • Lowers inflammation in the body
  • Relieves pain
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Digestive aid
  • Promotes bone health
  • Controls diabetes

There are many CBD products out in the market now.  I recently tried CBD and Turmeric supplements from Sagely Naturals.  They are a local brand based in Santa Monica.  They triple lab test their products to ensure potency and purity.  I take one supplement a day to fight inflammation in my body.  Keeping inflammation at bay is essential in preventing illness.  So far I'm loving it!

Definitely give CBD a try.  If you're worried about the psychoactive effects cannabis gives, don't fret, CBD is a completely non psychoactive option to ingest while still receiving the immensly healing benefits of cannabis.  (Pretty amazing huh?) What a beautiful life we can live! <3